Test management and planning
01 — Problem:
Testing is often not considered in the beginning of a software development project. When testing is not considered from the very beginning, important aspects are left without attention and the whole approach to testing might be wrong. If the responsibilities of testing (who tests and when) are not clear, the development process is not solid and this eventually appear as poor quality for the end user.
Nowadays software and its quality are competitive advantages in almost all industries. A well designed and executed testing speeds up the software development process and ensures a better user experience.
02 — Solution:
It’s highly recommended to include the testing approach to the software development project in the very beginning. In practise this means that the testing is well planned and resourced already before a single line of code is written.
The biggest benefit of a test plan is that it’s a document that has been made together and that defines the various responsibilities of testing. Test plan is not a static document that is written and then forgotten. Instead, a well built test plan ensures a mutually agreed backbone for testing, which enables smoother development process and clearer responsibility areas.
In addition to thought out planning, the teamwork between testing and development is crucial. In modern development projects, testing is not a separate function, but an essential part of development. This means that in an agile team, a tester needs to be able to handle various tasks from designing to reporting, and when needed, she has to coach the team towards better development process and eventually towards better user experience.
03 — In practise:
We have over ten years of experience in test planning and creating company level test strategies. We have our own test strategy and test planning templates which can be used for free as part of our service.
If you’ve already begun your development project and only now become aware of testing, no need to worry, we are used to jumping in on moving trains and helping get them back on track. We’ve adopted a modern way of building software. This means that our experts are used to work as part of agile teams in wide roles where their objective is not only to test but to enable the team the means to provide value to the customers.
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