About us

VALA Group Oy was founded in Helsinki in 2008. From the beginning, VALA has been a quality house. First we naturally did what paid the bills, but very soon we focused on software testing and test automation and gradually towards all encompassing software quality. In 2025, VALA offers all software quality services. We work according to DevOps principles and a VALA quality path that we’ve developed.
VALA has always grown patiently. By this we mean that we haven’t had any pressure to grow which has enabled us to be very strict when recruiting new people, especially considering the culture fit of the person and VALA. In the fall of 2024 there’s over 120 of us but we still feel that culture wise we are a small company. VALA is a self directed organization with no supervisors. We make all important decisions together and everyone can affect them if they want to.

We began our happiness journey already back in 2015 and there’s no sign of slowing down. However, nowadays we know that seeking for absolute happiness can not be the end goal. Instead, we want to provide the means for VALA people to create their own happiness, if they want to.
Greatest Quality Company in Finland
Create software that work & work that is meaningful
Empathy, Transparency, Autonomy, Responsibility, Learning
Our biggest strengths are test automation, software testing, quality management and quality consulting, all according to DevOps principles.

Our customers range from small companies to publicly listed companies, however, recently the focus has shifted more and more towards the latter. In terms of industries, we don’t have any strict preferences because quality is needed everywhere where software is built and nowadays that means almost all industries. During the years we’ve accumulated most experience in the fields of telecommunication, electronics, finance, manufacturing and medical.
Siili Solutions
Siili Solutions owns over 90% of VALA while the rest of the shares are owned by VALA employees. VALA operates as an autonomous portfolio company of Siili, making its own business decisions. Concurrently, VALA and Siili have tight collaboration in many areas like sales, marketing and internationalisation. This combined with many mutual customers, ensures that our partnership will bring great benefits to all parties, in the future too.